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How is a Local Foundation Party Organized?

Local Foundation Parties are essentially a framework to support a Foundational Forum.  Members will then attend these Forums and answer any Support Calls they decide to.  Foundation Party Representatives also attend, but will also supply Initiatives, Requests for Inclusion, or stand as Candidate-Delegates for an election of interest to that particular Party.  Representatives may also be called upon to serve in the Local Council, or might volunteer as a Forum Officer.


These entities are also intended to network with each other and provide ideas and potential support calls laterally when necessary (for state-level elections or elections which have a wider district than is covered by a single Foundation Party.


Below is a synopsis of various roles and functions of each element of a Local Foundation Party.  Hover over or tap on each element for an explanation of them.

The "Foundation Party Entity" is the legal entity that establishes the name of the Local Foundation Party and has acquired the Certificate of Authorization to operate as a "Foundation Party" brand.  This entity is what interacts on a legal level with concerned parties when necessary.  This entity is considered to be the "owner" of the forum, and is obligated to ensure the functioning of the Local Party as outlined in the Foundation Party Organization and Operations Manual.  Click for more information.

Party Functionaries are support roles for the Entity, Forum Officers, and the Forum itself.  They are not Forum Officers, but rather administrative roles.  Some of these roles might include:


- Attorney on retainer

- Treasurer

- Clerk

- Archivist


These roles might be filled with someone hired to serve the function, or might be filled with a volunteer from among the party membership. Click for more information.

Party Functionaries

Forum Officers

The Forum Officers are individuals dedicated to the functioning and operating of the Foundational Forum.  These are:


- Forum Organizer:  This officer schedules the various party business, events, Initiatives, meetings, etc. that are conducted in-Forum.


- Forum Mediator:  This officer conducts and guides the open Forum sessions.  The Mediator ensures that scheduled events are all covered properly and that they all fit within the time-frame and proceed in an orderly fashion.


- Forum Communicator:  This officer keeps minutes, manages party advertising and outside communication, interacts with other Local Parties or the State Party as needed, and delivers communications to absent members as needed.  Click for more information.

The Foundational Forum is the first goal of all Foundation Parties.


The intent of the Foundational Forum is an invitation to voice and propose deliberated societal and political solutions or explorations to find the superior way.  The Spirit of the Forum should always be discussion and debate of social and political issues and decisions, and the education of everyone towards how to do so in an orderly and respectful manner, all in accordance with the Foundational Principles.


Officers conducting the Forum session should cultivate a spirit of viewing the Party Business as an "administrative necessity" and not the focus of the Session.

Foundation Party Representatives
Foundation Party Members
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